Monday, May 19, 2008

the Cacing Diaries #8

Month 3 + 1 week

It is a big day. Not only is it her monthly visit to the pediatrician, we've decided that today would be the day that she'll have her ears pierced. Infant piercing is customary in the Philippines. After much discussion, my wife and I agreed that 3 months is a perfect time. She still can't fully control her hands save for thumbsucking so she won’t be able to tug at her earrings and get any infection.

We had her doctor do away with the vaccine injection first. She did not flinch and did not cry. That was the easy part. The ear piercing was a different story though. She was getting sleepy and cranky. She was listless and we struggled keeping her still. Eventually, we just had to pin her head against her mom’s chest. Poor baby! But the doctor was swift and clinically performed her thing with the piercing gun. When we released her, Cacing, good girl that she is, stopped crying. The piercing was not much painful for her after all. She became all smiles soon after.

Isn’t she glamorous with her hypoallergenic pearl studs? In a month time, we can have her wear other kinds of earrings. Further down the road, on her own volition, she'll most definitely suffer more for this thing called fashion. But we are getting ahead of ourselves, aren’t we?

big smile
Canon EOS 350D Digital, 1/40s, f/1.8, 50mm, ISO 1600, +1/3EV
Cacing, the afternoon after her ear piercing, at home in Cebu City, the Philippines

shy smile
Canon EOS 350D Digital, 1/80s, f/1.8, 50mm, ISO 1600, +1/3EV
Cacing, the afternoon after her ear piercing, at home in Cebu City, the Philippines

Canon EOS 350D Digital, 1/100s, f/1.8, 50mm, ISO 100, +1/3EV
Cacing wearing a colorful colorful hairdo, at home in Cebu City, the Philippines

101 days

We were at the mall today when out of nowhere my wife suddenly mused Cacing is actually already hitting 100-days. I am not good in mental arithmetic – she is – so I counted the days on paper and lo and behold, it is. Exactly 101 days. That is 3 months and 2 weeks of joy for everyone.

Cacing has some other notables of late.

1. She would turn in the direction of a voice, seemingly, to engage in conversation.

2. She would squeal in delight and babble, rather loudly.

3. She would bear some weight on her legs. Her favorite preoccupation is being carried aloft with her feet touching the ground and she would playfully bounce!

4. Upon prodding and helping, she can grasp a rattle for a few moments and even play with it.
But as I’ve said before, I couldn’t wait for her to grow up. Tomorrow, I know, will bring more pleasure.

chinky eyes
Canon EOS 350D Digital, 1/320s, f/2.2, 50mm, ISO 100
Cacing wearing new clothes mailed from my sister in New York; shot at BTC, Cebu City, the Philippines

the pose
Canon EOS 350D Digital, 1/500s, f/2.2, 50mm, ISO 100
Cacing at BTC, Cebu City, the Philippines

mom and daughter pose
Canon EOS 350D Digital, 1/500s, f/1.8, 50mm, ISO 400, +1/3EV
Cacing and her mom, at BTC, Cebu City, the Philippines

and the puppetmaster squeals!
Canon EOS 350D Digital, 1/640s, f/1.8, 50mm, ISO 200, +1/3EV
Cacing squealing loudly when being bounced playfully by her mom; shot at BTC, Cebu City, the Philippines

Canon EOS 350D Digital, 1/640s, f/1.8, 50mm, ISO 200, +1/3EV
Cacing trying to babble her mom into a baby conversation; shot at BTC, Cebu City, the Philippines


  1. her pearls suit her nice, haha. though i find little girls with decent and girly earrings totally cute,
    in my case, i've spent the briefest thought about such accessories for my little ones. if they really want it, after being explained the advantages (don't mind me i'm just a sucker for unpierced lobes - i mean, how often do you find a girl with such natural status? it was my desire to have pearl earrings and now i regret it and, the more i admire those without) it's their decision and we'd respect their wishes.

    excuse my rambling, Farl. i'm being highly subjective. i know it's customary back home and Cacing does look good in them. :)

    p.s. cacing = corazon as in kasing-kasing? = gugma? sweet!

  2. oops. it's me, Yvette (pipitdapo) :)

  3. What a nice family you are. I lived in Cebu from 1964 to 1969 moved on to Mindanao, later Manila and once more from 1982 to 1984. Two of my children were born at Sacred Heart Hospital, Cebu City. :We rented a flat on Sepulveda Street, inside the Fernan Compound just behind a hotel , the name I can not remember any more. My in-laws resided at Sanciangko Ext., just a short walk away. Engr.Prudencio Campos, Jr. was teaching at USC. We build our home in Banawa, before leaving for Iligan City, where my husband worked with Maria Christina Chemicals till 1972. He was transferred to the main office in Makati. When he left to join Purefoods, we came back to Cebu and after the plants closure back to Sta. Ana, Manila.
    As I said in my first comment, you made me homesick. May the Lord bless you and thanks for the beautiful pictures.
    Sigrun Campos-Engel
