Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Pandanon island escapade

An islet heaving with white sand and sitting in the middle of a vast blue Camotes sea is the definition of paradise by most people. Pandanon island used to be a little known secret, tucked safely away from Mactan resorts and its more accessible islands. Pandanon is part of the archipelago of North Bohol and is politically appended to Getafe.

Pandanon eastend
the southern face of the east end of Pandanon island, Getafe, Bohol, the Philippines

a hut at east end of Pandanon island, Getafe, Bohol, the Philippines

Talisay shade
a talisay tree at the lagoon of the east end of Pandanon island, Getafe, Bohol, the Philippines

Pandanon lagoon
the south lagoon of Pandanon island, Getafe, Bohol, the Philippines

Back in 2002, when I visited it first, Pandanon was not as developed as it is now but no less impressive. Now, it has a centerpiece columnade pavilion (it was used several years back in a national shampoo commercial), a picturesque white chapel for weddings and a concrete port building.

Pandanon Island
the southern face of the east end of Pandanon island way back in 2002, Getafe, Bohol, the Philippines

Landing fee is about P100/person and no reservations are needed. There always is a hut available for renting. The other amenities like tables, grills and even food can also availed of from an island cooperative and proceeds go to the community. The resort has no overnight facilities though although campouts or home stay arrangements are possible.

a view of the western main island of Pandanon, Getafe, Bohol, the Philippines

The resort in the east end is impressive. The one-hectare stretch of white sand is carved by several lagoons. Pandanon is more than just a mound of sand. If you venture further to the west following the narrow isthmus, you will be led to the greener partition of the island where a thriving island community of about 350 families and 2,000 people reside. Obviously, island living is linked almost solely to the sea, from fishing and recently, seaweed farming.

kids' catch
boys displaying their catch of fishes at Pandanon, Getafe, Bohol, the Philippines

People in Pandanon are exceedingly friendly. The island alleys are quite constricted and narrow but people don’t mind strangers crisscrossing their yards. I was carrying my camera and everytime I pass by kids always beg “picture”, “picture” without fail. Of course I gave in all the time.

Pandanon kids
frolicking boys at Pandanon, Getafe, Bohol, the Philippines

Getting there. Rent motorized boats from any point in Mactan, from the northend port of Punta Engano beside the Hilton, through any of the beach resorts in Maribago, Agus or Marigondon, to the southend port of Cordova. Summer weekend prices start at about P3,500 for a 30-person sized boat to about P5,000 if you don’t haggle. Discounts or premiums are common depending on season and boat size.

heading for Pandanon
approaching the north side of Pandanon island, Getafe, Bohol, the Philippines


  1. Hi farl, si bjorn ni bai from your flickr contacts. I wish i could go to bohol na. Pwede na ka pangtourism bai, makaenganyo!hehe

  2. Your last picture on your pandanon story says 'Getafe, Bohol, Indonesia'. Surely it is not indonesia? The boatride cannot be that far. Nevertheless, it is a gorgeous picture

  3. wa pa jud ko kaanha dah.

  4. real escape
    no broadband
    no flickr
    no txt?

    There is a similar island north of Talibon. Though that one looks more classy.

    Or is this the same one?

  5. Pandanon is a different island. You probably are talking about a sandbar in Guindacpan which has a DENR house-on-stilt outpost. Pandanon is part of Gitafe.

  6. I got to know Pandanon island when it was featured on of the local tv channel. All I share is this island is stunningly beautiful and worth a visit.

  7. haaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy i wanna go home najud..nindot kaau iligo sa pandanun beach......hehehe anyone here?? send ur message at my email ha..

  8. hi! i was looking for some info for my report when i pass by your site...
    Nice kaayo... i was wondering if what i saw was true... i never thought that the wonderful place exist in bohol...
    grabehhh... nice jud xa,...
    Im proud to be a boholana!

  9. been to that place last day.... its a paradise in the middle of the sea...

    a true escape of city life....

  10. hi there any tips how to get to pandanon island? nice photos u got.


  11. sara- if you're not from Cebu, best way would be to go there via organized tour boats. a cheap and reliable one is

    good luck!

  12. Hello evreyone...My Mom was came from Pandanon Island, I have alot of relatives lived in this Beautiful Island. Me and my Family always visit there every year (FIESTA).But since my beloved Mom passed away la nako kabalik sa pandanon.Im looking forward to visit there kong ma uli ko ug lahos this year. Almost 4 years nako la kabalik sa Pandanon...

  13. My father came from pandanon Islanh. I'd been there when I was 8yrs old. That was 1978. We planned with my bros to visit Pandanon Island this May 2011......

  14. My father came from Pandanon Island. We visited this place when I was 8 yrs old. We planned to visit Pandanon with my family this May 2011.

  15. its been ten years from now since the first and last time ive been there..and it's not that beautifull,.but still im longing to be there again..coz my Grandma's sisters and brothers were there..they don't even know she already died..hoping that by this comment, they'll know..and that i could have some of their contact the way, my Grandma's name is Julia Cabrera Pajares..and i'm saying hello to her sister, Aunt-Lola Emely and her son Bodyik,Emmanuel, her daughter Ladiat, to my Uncle-Lolo Junior and to the father of my Lola, Lolo Alo!!we miss you all..Jellynie here, daughter of Josephine..we really do miss you!!

  16. kindly post my comment please!!
    thank you so much!!

  17. Hi! What's the name of the resort and do you have contact numbers? Do you know their rates? Thank you very much!
