Thursday, October 30, 2008

Breakfast at Made Weti

Spice lovers looking for the quintessential and authentic Balinese breakfast, the search is over. Go over quick to Warung Made Weti in Sanur Beach. Sanur habitues will know this place by heart so ask around. It is beside the Beach Market I entrance at Jalan Segara, right across a Hindu temple.

Ibu Made Weti
Canon EOS 350D Digital, 1/100s, f/4.8, 24mm, ISO 100

Literally, the warung is as humble as a hut can be. A real ramshackle hole in the wall, its small square of a unit offers authentic nasi campur ayam Bali and just that. Nothing else, no other menu.

Ibu Made Weti
Canon EOS 350D Digital, 1/40s, f/5.0, 18mm, ISO 200

The stall is operated by Made Weti, the lady cook made famous by her food. She still leads the operation of the enterprise, from the cooking to the serving. About 3 ladies help her out but the lines waiting to be served keep on growing. The place is already open by 7AM and typically runs only until 11. On certain days, like weekends or Fridays, the typical “lazy” day for government institutions, food could be gone by 10AM. What served-in customers can’t finish, the take outers would.

nasi campur ayam Bali
Canon EOS 350D Digital, 1/200s, f/4.5, 105mm, ISO 400

Unlike other food stalls though, the warung has no table save for one and a ledge ringing the the hut. Most people, from locals to domestic tourists, even foreigners, would merely sit on the wooden benches and hold the plate with one hand while eating.

The food, perhaps by choice, is halal or pork-free. The main attraction is the chicken cooked in traditional Balinese spices, with generous side servings of string beans, mung bean sprouts, even tuna. The sambal, is nothing short of spice heaven.

Made Weti
Canon EOS 350D Digital, 1/800s, f/1.8, 50mm, ISO 100, +1/3EV

Recalling the tugging bite of the sambal chili paste and lifting memory of the innumerable spices, I am now a convert. And the cost? Just about 10,000 rupiah. One dollar could not taste any better.

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