Thursday, February 19, 2009

Kuta is sunset and surfing

The beach of Kuta in Bali stretches almost endlessly. Its coralline floor cuts deep down into the ocean making the wave break a world-class surfing paradise. Stir in the welcoming hospitable nature of the Balinese, and you have a tourism magnet.

day is done
Canon PowerShot S40, 1/100s, f/8.0, 21.3mm

Facing westward into the Indian Ocean, Kuta beach offers a breathtaking sunset. The old elements that are the sun, the earth and the water always succeed to mesmerize every sundown. Caught in its magic, I often catch myself joining the congregation of sunlovers as these pictures attest.

squared sun
Canon PowerShot S40, 1/400s, f/8.0, 21.3mm

Canon PowerShot S40, 1/100s, f/8.0, 21.3mm

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