Wednesday, March 4, 2009

going minimalist in Surabaya

So I was in Surabaya on business, alone as always. Mad dash characterizes my visits in this business city of Indonesia. Downtime basically consists of relaxing inside the comforts of the hotel room, or on occasion, lounging in the pool. Way back in October 2005, the time which I took the photos below, I only had my point and shoot.

Canon PowerShot S40, 1/125s, f/8, 21.3mm

The water was inviting but I never have been a pool person. Give me the beach and anytime, I will be enticed. Nevertheless, the pool posited several compositional challenges which is good for somebody still learning about photography.

filtered blue
Canon PowerShot S40, 1/20s, f/8, 12.3mm

It paid that it was early morning and the lighting was soft and filtered. The water, the leaf blades, the tent canvas, even the lifebuoy became easy eye candies. Besides, I was in Shangri-La – the hotel that is – so how could one go wrong?

Canon PowerShot S40, 1/500s, f/4.5, 17.5mm

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