Sunday, March 22, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya Galungan

Last March 18, about 4 days ago, was the start of Galungan, the biggest religious festival in Bali. It is a time of commemorating the triumph of good over evil. It is believed that the gods and revered ancestors go back to earth.

tepung beras
giant sarad or rice powder tapestries are communally created by women during big feasts
Canon EOS 350D Digital, 1/125, f/5.6, 45mm, ISO 200

local entertainment could include presentation of the topeng mask dance
Canon EOS 350D Digital, 1/200s, f/4.5, 135mm, ISO 800, +1/3EV

Bali literally erupts in full color, energy and spirit.

almost a kiss
soaring buntings called penjor is a symbol of the victory of goodness over evil
Canon PowerShot S40, 1/100s, f/8, 14.7mm

Pajeng (Balinese) or payung (Bahasa Indonesian) are aplenty in Balinese festivities
Canon PowerShot S40, 1/30s, f/2.8, 7.1mm

During this 10-day celebration which culminates in Kuningan, Balinese congregate to the temples, parade in the streets and decorate their houses and villages (or banjars,) with penjor banners, banten leaves, pajeng umbrellas and all sorts of offerings.

Ulian Macekan Agung- Batubulan
a parade in the streets of Batubulan during the Galungan holidays (October 2005)
Canon PowerShot S40, 1/800s, f/4.9, 21.3 mm

Ulian Macekan Agung- Tanah Lot
celebration at the Tanah Lot temple during the Galungan holidays (October 2005)
Canon PowerShot S40, 0.5s, f/2.8, 7.1mm

So to all my Balinese friends:
Om Swastiastu
Rahajeng Hari Raya Galungan, Nyepi lan Kuningan
dumogi ngemolihang kerahayan lan kerahajengan sareng sami
Om Santih Santih Santih Om

ketupat cooked rice in folded coconut leaf packets are traditional food items during festivals
Canon EOS 350D Digital, 1/4s, f/5.6, 49mm, ISO 100

banten ornaments from dry leaves fill temples and houses during big events
Canon EOS 350D Digital, 1/60s, f/5.6, 50mm, ISO 400, -1/3EV


  1. this helps heaps with my project im doing, i've looked everywhere for this information and thank god i selected this site. my teachers get very angry if work isn't handed in on time and if i didn't i would have missed out on cooking and have detention until it was done. i send all my regards thank you so much

  2. cool... glad to be of some help.
