Sunday, April 26, 2009

the Cacing Diaries #36

Cacing in Hong Kong

Hong Kong was our stopover in our trip to Indonesia early this May. We really could not do a lot.

inside the plane
Cacing in her white “flight” getup

On our way to Surabaya, we arrived at Hong Kong almost midnight and left promptly in the afternoon. In the morning, we squeezed a short visit to the Victoria Peak, taking the famous tramway. Unfortunately, midway in the funicular ride, Cacing fell asleep as late morning is always naptime for her. We didn’t have the heart to wake her up so we took turns carrying our sleepyhead.

bundled up
Hong Kong was chilly during our visit so Cacing had to be all bundled up

It was the reverse on the way home. We arrived late in the afternoon and we had the evening to ourselves before our flight early the next morning. Cacing, who already had her nap in the plane, was full of energy. It showed in the pictures here.

at the lobby of Marco Polo Kowloon GAteway
group picture at the Marco Polo Kowloon Gateway

Hurrah to beauty sleep!

Cacing in Marco Polo Kowloon
strolling with her mom at the lobby of Marco Polo Kowloon Gateway

posing at the Gateway
posing with family and friends at the Gateway with the Hong Kong skyline in the background

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