Monday, June 29, 2009

portraits from Lotim

Lotim is a contraction of Lombok Timor which means East Lombok. It is the site of my frequent forays in Lombok for it is here that seaweed abounds. Production is healthy in this part of Indonesia thanks to a reef protected from strong winds and a steady ocean current action that facilitates nutrient circulation.

girl with a comb (Kaliantan)
girl with a comb, Kaliantan

giggling girls in Kaliantan
giggling girls in Kaliantan

seaweed harvester in Kaliantan
man with bushels of seaweed, Kaliantan

Seaweed does have its season in Lombok. Heavy monsoon rains in December to March disrupts production in that drying of the wet harvests is interrupted frequently so farmers tend to lie low during this period. By May and onwards though, farmers get busy expanding production so by middle of the year, cultivation would already be in full swing.

seaweed sorter, Kaliantan
woman sorting seaweed, Kaliantan

pulling out the seaweed strings in Kaliantan
woman cleaning the seaweed harvest, Kaliantan

It is June now so perhaps I should pay Lombok a visit once more. Could be a good time to do more portraits too.

Serewe woman, smiling
smiling at Serewe

Serewe woman, drying seaweed
woman spreading seaweed on the sand for drying, Serewe

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