Saturday, July 25, 2009

the Cacing Diaries #45

pretty in pink

For the first time in her young 1 ½ years of existence, Cacing cried when I said goodbye today. It’s just one of my usual week-long trips abroad – there’ll be lots more down the road – but increasingly, each time I leave for a trip, Cacing is becoming more aware of her emotions. She still has no concrete concept of time. It is safe to suppose that she quickly got over my departure. But soon it would be different and I’ll have to contend to her heartache. And mine.

the girls in my life
the muses of my life, at my mom’s place in Talisay this May

testing the grown
testing the crown

smart eyes
those eyes are smart!

smiling like a clown
smiling and clowning

playing with the roll brush
the roller brush as a toy

pink princess
a pink princess

testing the jackfruit
testing the jackfruit

teasing the camera with her mommy
a tease in front of the camera

Cacing lying on the backseat of the car
at the backseat of the car


  1. These are adorable Farl! Cacing is so beautiful! ~ verticordia Michael
