Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Stalking the woman in red in Uzi

Photographing landscapes is hard enough. But taking portraits of strangers poses a special challenge. You just wouldn't know how people would react being photographed. Others feel that it is an invasion of privacy which it really can be, getting annoyed if not downright angry. Some are too shy and would walk away from the lens.

aerial Uzi
an aerial view of Ng’ambwe, Uzi which I eventually visited on-site

Ng'ambwe 3 women
3 women of Ng’ambwe

woman in red 3
the woman in red was working with several ladies when I first approached her

On occasions, I can be lucky. Take this woman in a blazing red dress in Ng’ambwe, Uzi. She was at first nonchalant and then became engaging. It helped that I lingered in the location for awhile and that must have made them more comfortable with me. I was interested in what they were doing – they were planting seaweed – and they probably recognize too some of my companions who they might have worked with in the past.

woman in red
holding some seaweed planting material

woman in red 4
an engaging smiling

As a subject, I could not ask for anything more. Her red dress is fiery and catches the light glaringly. And her generous personality showed in the shots that I took.

unbridled laughter
unbridled laughter

woman in red 2
her easygoing work demeanor shows here

woman in red 1
a final take

To go: Uzi is about 25 km southeast of Stonetown, Zanzibar, accessible by road only during low tide via a causeway at Unguja Ukuu.

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